Our main objective is to reduce the risk and the workplace accidents through an integral and personalized service tailored to customers needs. This entails significant economic benefits to our customers.

Peradejordi is at the forefront of safety techniques such as technical consultancy and offer a comprehensive product that allows us to be able to cover the various fields of engineering, preparation of studies and technical projects, risk prevention, self-protection and emergency plans, industrial safety, certification, health and technical training.

Our team has engineers, chemists, biologists, technical architects, doctors, psychologists, physiotherapists, competent technicians in self-protection plans, senior technicians in risk prevention, etc. all complemented with a last generation instrumental.

Also, Peradejordi is an organization accredited by the Labor Authority as External Prevention Service in the fields of Work Safety, Industrial Hygiene, Ergonomics and Applied Psychology and Health.

The constant innovation of the company allows us to use dba tools capable of managing the security in a much more practical and affordable way to facilitate customer actions.


ABP Investigación de Siniestros

ABP is a specialized leader company in the sector whose main activity is the investigation of the origin and cause of fires and explosions in different scenarios.


The Catalan Association of risk prevention accredited companies (Asprecat) is the association representing the External Prevention Services in Catalonia.

Escola de Prevenció i Seguretat Integral de la UAB

The School of Prevention and Integral Safety (EPSI), attached to the Autonomous University of Barcelona and located on the campus of Bellaterra (Barcelona), offers university studies in the field of prevention and comprehensive security and safety.

Tecnocampus Mataró-Maresme

The TecnoCampus Mataró-Maresme Foundation is the public entity in charge of managing the TecnoCampus technology and university park. Promoted by Mataró City Council, it is a private law foundation with a vocation for public service in education and business development.

Clúster de Seguretat contra Incendis

The Fire Safety Cluster of Catalonia (CLUSIC) is an entity that is born by the initiative of companies specializing in fire safety willingness to cooperate to increase their competitiveness through internationalization, research and development of joint projects.

NEM – Negoci Empresa Mataró

NEM – Negoci Empresa Mataró is the territorial associative entity that brings together companies from: commerce, restaurants, services … And maintains as its main objectives, the organization of initiatives and activities aimed at the business promotion of the sector and commercial dynamism of this city


PymeLegal is a consultancy specializing in data protection and intellectual property. They are a multidisciplinary team made up of privacy expert lawyers and engineers, with extensive experience in this field and trained in renowned law firms. They offer different types of service adapted to the needs of each client.